Our Lady of Lourdes 63rd Street & Lancaster Avenue
Philadelphia, PA 19151

Phone: (215) 473-1669
Fax: (215) 473-1670
Mercy Prayer Line: (215) 879-0594
"HOW AWE INSPIRING THIS PLACE IS! This is nothing less than a House of God; this is the gate of Heaven" (Genesis 28:17)

Society of Perpetual Adoration


Through Perpetual Adoration in our Grotto Chapel located beneath the Church's N. 63rd entrance, our Lord Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week to receive our personal visits and prayer.  To participate, you commit yourself to come at the same time each week for one hour so that Jesus is never left alone.  As a safety feature, each adorer is entrusted with the security code to the Chapel.  To sign up for your hour with the Lord, contact the Parish Office at 215-473-1669.

This page last updated February 21 2019 12:34:24 -0800
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